API Reference


Drystal API is not stable yet. It is still changing and as it matures some parts are more and more reliable than others. Unfortunately, it has not sufficient testing in real games, so the API is changing where we think a change is worth an API break.



Stops the execution of drystal.


Reloads the current game. This can be useful during the development on your desktop.


F3 also reloads the game.



This function is called after script loading, before the first frame. You may want to load your assets from here but you can load them before if you prefer.

print '1'
function drystal.init()
   print '3'
print '2'
drystal.update(dt: float)

This functions is called at each frame. The dt parameter represents the time elapsed since the last update (in seconds). Use this function to update the game state.


This function is called after the drystal.update() function.


This function is called when the window is closed or when drystal.stop() is called.


Called before the game is reloaded (by drystal.reload(), by pressing F3 or with livereloading). You can use it to save the current state of the game inside a global variable, so it will still be accessible after the reload.


Called after the game was reloaded. You can use it to restore the state of the game.


The event module allows you to know when the mouse is moved, a key or a button is pressed or released, or when the screen is resized.
drystal.set_relative_mode(relative: boolean)

Sets the relative mode.

Relative mode is when the mouse is hidden and can’t leave the window/canvas.


To receive events, you have to defined some of the following functions.

drystal.mouse_motion(x, y, dx, dy)

Called when the mouse is moved. dx and dy are difference between the current position and the last one.

drystal.mouse_press(x, y, button: integer)

Called when a button (or mouse wheel) is pressed.

  • x (int) – X coordinate of the mouse when the button was pressed
  • y (int) – Y coordinate of the mouse when the button was pressed
  • button (int) –
    • drystal.buttons.left (= 1),
    • drystal.buttons.right (= 2),
    • drystal.buttons.middle (= 3),
    • drystal.buttons.wheel_up (= 4),
    • or drystal.buttons.wheel_down (= 5).
drystal.mouse_release(x, y, button: integer)

Called when a button (or mouse wheel) is released.

Param:button is the same as in drystal.mouse_press().

Called when a key is pressed. Depending on key repeat system configuration of the player, drystal.key_press() can be called multiple times even if the user did not released the key. drystal.key_release() will be called too.


Same as drystal.key_press() but when a key is released.


Called when a key is pressed, unicode_key is the character generated by the key and the current modifiers. For example, if shift and d are pressed, drystal.key_text() will be called with the parameter ‘D’.

drystal.page_resize(w, h)

Called when the browser page is resized. Use this callback to resize the canvas in the fullscreen mode (see drystal.set_fullscreen()).

Param:see inner window width and height




drystal.screen is the surface representing the window/canvas, which will be blit after execution of the drystal.draw() callback.





drystal.resize(width: integer, height: integer)

Resizes the window (or the canvas in the browser) to the specified dimensions.


Unlike some engines, you can resize the window without having to recreate your surfaces or shaders.

drystal.resize(200, 300)
assert(drystal.screen.w == 200)
assert(drystal.screen.h == 300)
drystal.set_fullscreen(fullscreen: boolean)

Enables or disables the fullscreen mode.


It will make the game fits the whole page in a browser and not use the true fullscreen mode. We choose this behavior because the escape key will not be available anymore and it makes less sense to play a game in fullscreen with a browser. You also need to ensure that there is no border or margin for the canvas in your index.html.

html,body {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    overflow: hidden;


When the browser is resized, the canvas is not resized. Call drystal.set_fullscreen(true) from the callback drystal.page_resize() to update it.

drystal.set_title(title: str)

Changes the title of the window. In the browser, the title of the document is changed.

drystal.show_cursor(show: boolean)

Decides if the mouse cursor should be hidden or not.


class drystal.Surface
Object representing a surface. Surfaces can be drawn on other surfaces (screen included).

Width of the surface.


Height of the surface.

draw_on() → Surface

Use this surface as destination/backbuffer (draw method be redirected to this surface instead of screen) for future draws.

Returns:the old surface which was used
draw_from() → Surface

Use this surface as source for future textured draws (like drystal.draw_sprite()).

Returns:the old surface which was used
  • filter
    • drystal.filters.nearest,
    • drystal.filters.linear (= drystal.filters.default),
    • drystal.filters.bilinear
    • or drystal.filters.trilinear.


A surface is limited to 2048x2048 pixels. We follow the WebGL Stats and we use the highest texture size at 100%.

get_pixel(x, y) → r, g, b, a

Returns red/green/blue/alpha components at given pixel position. Top-left is at (1, 1) and bottom-right is at (surface.w, surface.h) included.

drystal.new_surface(width, height)

Creates a new surface of dimensions (width, height). By default, the surface is transparent.

local surf = drystal.new_surface(200, 200)
surf:draw_on() -- the following draw function will act on this surface
drystal.draw_circle(surf.w / 2, surf.h / 2, 100) -- draw a white circle inside the surface

Loads a surface from a file. If the file does not exist or is invalid, drystal.load_surface() returns (nil, error).


Use assert(drystal.load_surface 'test.png') to make sure the surface is loaded.

Drawing primitives

drystal.set_color(red: float [0-255], green: float [0-255], blue: float [0-255])

Sets current color used by draw_* functions.

drystal.set_color(color: table)

Sets current color used by draw_* functions. color should contains 3 values at keys 1, 2 and 3. For example, {128, 128, 128} represents gray.

drystal.set_color(color: string)

Sets current color used by draw_* functions. color should be either a color name from the colors table or a ‘#rgb’ or ‘#rrggbb’ CSS-like string.

drystal.set_alpha(alpha: float [0-255])

Sets the current alpha used by draw_* functions.


Clears the current current_draw_on surface.


In the following function, x, y, w (width) and h (height) are floats. Angle are expressed in radians. x and y are screen coordinates.

drystal.draw_point(x, y, size)

Draws a point at the given coordinate and with given size.

drystal.draw_point_tex(sourcex, sourcey, x, y, size)

Draws a textured point at the given coordinate and with given size. The point will be textured with the surface bound to current_draw_from, starting from sourcex, sourcey to sourcex+64, sourcey+64.

drystal.draw_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=1: float)

Draws a line between the two given points.

drystal.draw_triangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3)

Draws a filled triangle between the three given points.

drystal.draw_surface(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2, ix3, iy3, ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2, ox3, oy3)

Draws a surface (set as current_draw_from). The first 6 parameters represent a triangle in the source texture, the last 6 represent the destination triangle. They can have different sizes to create deformations.

Tinting is possible by using drystal.set_color() (255, 255, 255 for no modification).

drystal.draw_quad(ix1, iy1, ix2, iy2, ix3, iy3, ix4, iy4, ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2, ox3, oy3, ox4, oy4)

Same as drystal.draw_surface() but with quadrilaterals instead of triangles.

drystal.draw_rect(x, y, w, h)

Draws a filled rectangle.

drystal.draw_rect_rotated(x, y, w, h, angle: float)

Draws a filled rotated rectangle.

drystal.draw_square(x, y, w, h, width)

Draws a non-filled rectangle.

drystal.draw_circle(x, y, radius: float)

Draws a circle. The coordinate is the position of the center. radius is expressed in pixel.


This function draws a lot of triangles. If possible, include a circle in your spritesheet and draw it with drystal.draw_sprite().

drystal.draw_polygon(x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)

Draws a filled polygon.

drystal.draw_polyline(loop, width, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...)

Draws a non-filled polygon.

drystal.draw_image(x, y, w, h, destx, desty[, destw=w[, desth=h]])

Draws an image. It can be resized if destw or desth are different than w and h

drystal.draw_sprite(sprite: table, x, y[, transform: table])

Draws a sprite, from the current Surface:draw_from() surface.

Use Sprite for easier sprite drawing.

  • sprite (table) – must have the fields: x, y, w and h
  • transform (table) – must have the fields: angle, wfactor and hfactor
local sprite = { -- the first image of a 32x32 spritesheet
   x = 0,
   y = 0,
   w = 32,
   h = 32,
function drystal.draw()
   drystal.draw_sprite(sprite, 200, 300)
drystal.draw_sprite_simple(sprite: table, x, y)
drystal.draw_sprite_rotated(sprite: table, x, y, angle: float)
drystal.draw_sprite_resized(sprite: table, x, y, w, h)



Images to show the differences


Sets the current blend mode.

  • blend_mode
    • drystal.blends.alpha (= drystal.blends.default),
    • drystal.blends.add
    • or drystal.blends.mult.


The camera can be used the modify position and size of the following draws.


Position of the camera (x coordinate).


Position of the camera (y coordinate).


Zoom of the camera. Values greater than 1 mean zoom in, less than 1 mean zoom out.


Angle of the camera. You can easily apply a tilt effect with this field.


Resets the camera fields to default values.


Saves the current camera state. You can then restore it with drystal.camera.pop().


Restores the camera to the previous state.

drystal.screen2scene(x: float, y: float) → float, float

Computes the position of screen coordinates (x, y) to scene/camera coordinates.


A buffer can only contain one type of shape (point, textured point, line, triangle, textured triangle).

class drystal.Buffer

Use this buffer as current buffer.

draw([dx=0: float[, dy=0: float]])

Draw this buffer. dx and dy can be used to offset the draw.


Removes all elements from the buffer.


Sends the buffer to the graphic card and free memory. If a buffer is freed, you cannot call Buffer:reset(), Buffer:use() or Buffer.upload_and_free() anymore or errors will be thrown.

drystal.new_buffer([initial_size: integer]) → Buffer

Creates a buffer of the specified initial_size. Once the buffer is full, it is resized.


Tells drystal to use the default buffer.


class drystal.Shader

Use this shader for the following draws.

feed(uniform: str, value: float)
drystal.new_shader([vertex: str[, fragment_color: str[, fragment_texture: str]]]) → Shader

Creates a shader with code specified. If one of the code is nil, code of the default shader is used.


Tells drystal to use the default shader.

Post processing

drystal.add_postfx(name: str, code: str[, uniforms: table]) -> function | (nil, error)

Creates a post processing effect. The code parameter must contain a effect function. Additional uniforms can be declared by the uniforms parameter.

assert(drystal.add_postfx('gray', [[
   vec3 effect(sampler2D tex, vec2 coord)
       vec3 texval = texture2D(tex, coord).rgb;
       return mix(texval, vec3((texval.r + texval.g + texval.b) / 3.0), scale);
]], {'scale'}))
drystal.postfx(name: str, uniforms...: floats)
Applies a post processing effect on the current draw on surface. The uniform list must have the same order than in the declaration of the effect.
function drystal.draw()
   drystal.postfx('gray', 0.8)


class drystal.Color
rgb() → r, g, b

Gets the RGB values of the color. You can also use .r, .g and .b.

hsl() → h, s, l

Gets the HSL values of the color. You can also use .h, .s and .l.

cmyk() → c, m, y, k

Gets the CMYK values of the color. You can also use .c, .m, .y and .k.

add(color) → Color

Creates a new Color which is the combination of the two colors using the CMYK subtractive color model.


You can also use the + operator.

sub(color) → Color

Creates a new Color which is the substraction of the two colors using the CMYK subtractive color model.


You can also use the - operator.

mul(color) → Color

Creates a new Color which is the multiplication of the two colors.


You can also use the * operator.

darker() → Color

Creates a darker color.

lighter() → Color

Creates a lighter color.

drystal.new_color(table) → Color

Creates a color with the RGB color model.

  • table (table) – must contains the three components: r, g and b.
drystal.new_color('rgb', r, g, b) → Color

Creates a color with the RGB color model.

drystal.new_color('hsl', h, s, l) → Color

Creates a color with the HSL color model.

drystal.new_color('cmyk', c, m, y, k) → Color

Creates a color with the CMYK color model.


This table contains all of the W3C colors. You can also create colors from the #rgb or #rrggbb syntax by indexing this table, like so: drystal.colors['#F0F'].

local drystal = require 'drystal'
local color = drystal.colors.green
function drystal.init()
       drystal.resize(600, 400)
       print('press d or l or m or a')

function drystal.draw()

function drystal.key_press(key)
       if key == 'd' then
              color = color:darker()
       if key == 'l' then
              color = color:lighter()
       if key == 'm' then
              color = color * drystal.colors.steelblue
       if key == 'a' then
              color = color + drystal.colors.red


class drystal.Sprite

Source table of the sprite. It must contain x, y, w and h fields.

color(={255, 255, 255})

Tint of the sprite.


Alpha of the sprite.

x, y

Coordinates on the screen (or any destination surface).

w, h

Width and height of the sprite. If this is different than values from source, the sprite will be resized.


Rotation of the sprite.


Draws the sprite on the current draw on surface. You have to set the correct sprite sheet as draw from surface before use this function.

drystal.new_sprite(source: table[, x=0, y=0[, w=source.w, h=source.h]]) → Sprite

Creates a sprite.

  • source (table) –

    must contain the following fields:

    • x, y : coordinates where the sprite is located in the draw_from image
    • w, h : size of the sprite in the draw_from image
local surface = assert(drystal.load_surface('spritesheet.png'))
local source = { x=0, y=0, w=32, h=32 }
local sprite = drystal.new_sprite(source, 350, 200)
sprite.update=function(self, dt)   -- custom field
   self.angle = self.angle + dt * math.pi * 2
function drystal.update(dt)
function drystal.draw()
    ... -- draw background, etc

Font rendering

class drystal.Font
draw(text: str, x, y[, alignment=drystal.aligns.left])

Draws text at the given coordinates. Supports ‘\n’. A particular syntax can be used to create some text effects, for example:

  • "test {r:255|g:0|b:0|!}" will print the ! in red,
  • "{outline|outg:255|t{nooutline|e}st}" will print test with a green outline, except the e.
  • alignement (integer) –
    • if alignment is drystal.aligns.left (= 1), text is left aligned (default)
    • if alignment is drystal.aligns.center (= 2), text is centered around x.
    • if alignment is drystal.aligns.right (= 3), text is right aligned.
draw_plain(text: str, x, y)

Same as Font:draw(), except it doesn’t align nor accept formating. Use this function for faster text drawing.

sizeof(text) → float, float

Returns width and height the text would use if it was drawn on the screen.


Returns width and height the text would use if it was drawn on the screen by Font:draw_plain().

drystal.load_font(filename: str, size: float) -> Font | (nil, error)

Loads a truetype font (.ttf file) at desired size.

Particle System

class drystal.System

Starts emitting over time.

emit([amount=1: integer])

Emits n particle(s). This function is useful when the system is paused and you want a fixed number of particle emission at one particular frame. You still need to call update so the particles get updated.


Stops emitting over time.


Removes all existing particles.

clone() → System

Returns an exact copy of the system.

draw([x=0: float[, y=0: float]))

Draws the particles of the system. x and y can be used as offset.

update(dt: float)

Updates the system and emits some particles according to the emission rate if the system is started.

add_size(at_lifetime, size)

Adds a size at a desired particle’s lifetime. at_lifetime is a float between 0 and 1 which indicate when the specified size has to be the current particle size.

add_size(at_lifetime, minsize, maxsize)

Adds a random size at a desired particle’s lifetime.

add_color(at_lifetime, r, g, b)

Adds a color at a desired particle’s lifetime. at_lifetime is a float between 0 and 1 which indicate when the specified color has to be the current particle color.

add_color(at_lifetime, minr, maxr, ming, maxg, minb, maxg)

Adds a random color at a desired particle’s lifetime.

set_texture(tex: Surface, sourcex, sourcey)

Sets the texture of the particles. See drystal.draw_point_tex() for details about sourcex and sourcey. By default, the system doesn’t have texture, particles will be represented by colored squares.

set_position(x: float, y: float)

Sets the position of the system.

get_position() → float, float

Returns the position of the system.

set_offset(x: float, y: float)

Sets the maximum position offset of a particle when emitted.

get_offset() → float, float

Returns the position offset of a particle when emitted.

set_emission_rate(frequency: float)

Sets the emission rate of the system (in Hertz).

get_emission_rate() → float

Returns the emission rate of the system (in Hertz).

set_lifetime(min: float[, max=min: float])

Sets the lifetime of the particles.

get_lifetime() → float, float

Returns the lifetime of the particles.

drystal.new_system(x, y[, size=256]) → System

Creates a new particle system at given position. You can specify the default number of particles held by the system with the size parameter. If the system need to hold more particles, it resizes automatically.


By default, attributes are initialized with random values. Make sure to call appropriate setters to obtain the desired particle effect.


Learning how to use Box2D will help to better understand Drystal’s physics module.

drystal.init_physics(gravity_x: float, gravity_y: float[, pixels_per_meter])

See drystal.set_pixels_per_meter().


If init_physics() is not called before other physics functions, errors will occur.

drystal.update_physics(dt: float[, timestep=0.01])

Updates the world.

drystal.get_gravity() → float, float

Returns the gravity of the world.

drystal.set_gravity(x, y)

Sets the gravity of the world.

drystal.get_pixels_per_meter() → float

Returns the ratio used to convert coordinates and forces to/from Box2D.

drystal.set_pixels_per_meter(pixels_per_meter: float)

Sets the ratio used to convert coordinates and forces to/from Box2D. For example, if you set the ratio to 64, this means a circle with a radius of 64 will have a radius of 1 meter in the Box2d world.

drystal.on_collision(on_begin, on_end, on_presolve, on_postsolve)

Hooks some callbacks to the collision listener.

  • on_begin(body1, body2, x, y, normalx, normaly)
  • on_end(body1, body2)
  • on_presolve(body1, body2, x, y, normalx, normaly) -> boolean
  • on_postsolve(body1, body2)
drystal.raycast(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'any' | 'closest' | 'farthest') → body, x, y

Returns any body, the closest or the farthest found during a raycast from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). It also returns the point of collision.

drystal.raycast(x1, y1, x2, y2, 'all') → bodies, points

Returns all the bodies found during a raycast from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2). It also returns the points of collision.

drystal.raycast(x1, y1, x2, y2, callback) → body, x, y

callback(body, fraction, x, y) -> float, boolean The callback should returns a float and a boolean. The float works like described here. If the boolean is false then the body and position is not kept for the returned values of raycast, which means you can select which values you want to return.

drystal.query(x1, y1, x2, y2) → table

Returns a table with all bodies contained inside the area defined by x1, y1, x2 and y2.

drystal.new_shape('box', width, height[, x=0, y=0]) → Shape

Creates a box shape. The box is centered on x,y which means you have to add an offset of width/2,height/2 during your draws.

drystal.new_shape('circle', radius[, x=0, y=0]) → Shape

Creates a circle shape.

drystal.new_shape('chain', x1, y1, x2, y2, ...) → Shape

Creates a chain shape. The last point will be linked to the first one.

drystal.new_body(is_dynamic: boolean, [x, y, ]shape1, shape2, ...) → Body

Creates a body at the given position (or 0, 0) with the given shapes. If is_dynamic is false, the body will be static.

drystal.new_joint('mouse', body1, body2, max_force[, collide_connected]) → MouseJoint

Creates a mouse joint.

drystal.new_joint('distance', body1, body2[, collide_connected]) → DistanceJoint

Creates a distance joint.

drystal.new_joint('rope', body1, body2[, collide_connected]) → RopeJoint

Creates a rope joint.

drystal.new_joint('revolute', body1, body2, anchor1x, anchor1y, anchor2x, anchor2y[, collide_connected]) → RevoluteJoint

Creates a revolute joint.

drystal.new_joint('gear', body1, body2, joint1, joint2, ratio[, collide_connected]) → GearJoint

Creates a gear joint. joint1 and joint2 must be either revolute joints or prismatic joints.

drystal.new_joint('prismatic', body1, body2, anchor1x, anchor1y, anchor2x, anchor2y, axisx, axisy[, collide_connected]) → PrismaticJoint

Creates a prismatic joint.


class drystal.Shape
set_density(density: float)

Sets the density of the shape.

get_density() → float

Returns the density of the shape.

set_restitution(restitution float)

Sets the restitution of the shape.

get_restitution() → float

Returns the restitution of the shape.

set_friction(friction float)

Sets the friction of the shape.

get_friction() → float

Returns the friction of the shape.

set_sensor(sensor: boolean)

If sensor is true, the shape will not collide but the on_collision callback will be called.


class drystal.Body
set_position(x: float, y: float)

Sets the position of the body.

get_position() → float, float

Returns the position of the body.

set_angle(angle: float)

Sets the angle of the body.

get_angle() → float

Returns the angle of the body.

set_linear_velocity(x: float, y: float)

Sets the linear velocity of the body.

get_linear_velocity() → float, float

Returns the linear velocity of the body.

set_angular_velocity(x: float, y: float)

Sets the angular velocity of the body.

get_angular_velocity() → float, float

Returns the angular velocity of the body.

set_linear_damping(damping: float)

Sets the linear damping of the body.

get_linear_damping() → float

Returns the linear damping of the body.

set_angular_damping(damping: float)

Sets the angular damping of the body.

get_angular_damping() → float

Returns the angular damping of the body.

set_fixed_rotation(fixed: boolean)

Fixes the rotation of the body.

get_fixed_rotation() → boolean

Returns true if the body has fixed rotation.

set_active(active: boolean)

Enables or disables a body.

set_bullet(bullet: boolean)

Marks the body as a fast moving object.

get_mass() → float

Returns the mass of the body.

set_mass_center(x, y)

Sets the mass center.

apply_force(x, y[, x, y])

Applies a force (by default, x, y are the body’s center).

apply_linear_impulse(x, y)

Applies a linear impulse (by default, x, y are the body’s center).


Applies a angular impulse.


Applies a torque.


Prints Box2D attributes of the body.


Destroys the body.


Once the body is destroy, you cannot call any of its functions anymore. Make sure to remove references (my_body = nil).


Associated joints are destroyed too. Calling functions on those joints will throw an error, make sure to remove references (my_joint = nil).


class drystal.MouseJoint
set_target(x, y)

Sets the target position of the joint.


Destroys the joint.


class drystal.RopeJoint
set_max_length(max_length: float)

Sets the maximum length of the joint


Destroys the joint.


class drystal.DistanceJoint
set_length(length: float)

Sets the length of the joint

set_frequency(frequency: float)

Sets the frequency of the joint.


Destroys the joint.


class drystal.RevoluteJoint
set_angle_limits(min, max)

Sets the angle limits of the joint. If min equals max, limits are disabled.

set_motor_speed(speed: float[, maxtorque=20: float])

Set the motor speed. If speed is 0, motor is disabled.


Destroys the joint.


class drystal.PrismaticJoint
set_motor_speed(speed: float)

Sets the motor speed.

set_max_motor_force(force: float)

Sets the maximum motor force.

set_enable_motor(enable: boolean)

Enables or disables the motor.

set_enable_limit(enable: boolean)

Enables or disables the limit.

is_limit_enabled() → boolean

Returns true if the joint has limit.

is_motor_enabled() → boolean

Returns true if the motor is enabled.


Destroys the joint.


The audio module allows you to play short sounds with the Sound class and stream ambiance music with the Music class.

For each class you can either load the audio data from a file or generate it with a callback function.


class drystal.Music

Musics are for large audio files, mainly for ambiance musics during the game.

play([loop=false: bool[, onend_callback: function]])

Plays the music (from the beginning). If loop is true, the music will loop forever. onend_callback is called when the music finishes (and is not called by :stop()).

set_pitch(pitch: float)

Sets the pitch of the music. pitch must be > 0.

set_volume(volume: float)

Sets the volume of the music. volume must be >= 0.


Pauses the music.


Stops the music.

drystal.load_music(filename: str) -> Music | (nil, error)

Loads a music from a file.


Only the Ogg format is available.

drystal.load_music(callback: function[, samplesrate=44100: integer]) -> Music | (nil, error)

Loads a music according to a callback function generating the music.

drystal.set_music_volume(volume: float [0-1])

Sets the global music volume.


class drystal.Sound

Sounds are for short audio files like special effects (e.g. a jump, a shot fired or an explosion).

They are loaded directly into memory. So if you want to play longer audio files it is recommended to use Music objects which stream the music instead of playing it directly.

play([volume=1[, x=0[, y=0[, pitch=1]]])

Plays the sound at given volume, position and pitch.

  • volume (float) – between 0 and 1
  • x (float) – between -1 and 1 (-1 is full left, 1 is full right)
  • y (float) – between -1 and 1
  • pitch (float) – greater than 0
drystal.load_sound(filename: str) -> Sound | (nil, error)

Loads a sound from a file. It has to be in WAV format. Only 44100Hz, 8 bits or 16 bits are supported. If you want to use positional audio, it has to be mono audio.

drystal.load_sound(callback: function, numsamples: integer) -> Sound | (nil, error)

Loads a sound according to a callback function generating the sound.

drystal.load_sound(data: table) -> Sound | (nil, error)
drystal.set_sound_volume(volume: float [0-1])

Sets the global sound volume.


In browser, this module uses Javascript’s localStorage feature. In desktop, it uses files.

Storage is a way to store data for future executions.

drystal.store(key: str, value: table)

Stores a table in the storage.

drystal.fetch(key: str) → table | nil

Retrieves the table associated with the given key.

drystal.store('test', {text='wow'})
assert(drystal.fetch('test').text == 'wow')


Serialization of the table is done by a JSON module. In the browser, data are stored in the localStorage from Javascript.


is_web: boolean

Equals true if the game is executed inside a browser.

drystal.wget(url: string, filename: string, onload: function, onerror: function)


drystal.wget() is not available on the desktop and will throw an error if it is used on the desktop.

drystal.run_js(script: str)


drystal.run_js() is not available on the desktop and will throw an error if it is used on the desktop.


class drystal.Timer
update(dt: float)

Updates the timer. dt is the time elapsed expressed in second, as in drystal.update(). If the timer finishes, finished is set to true. If callback is not nil, it is called.

finished: boolean

Indicates if the timer is finished or not.

drystal.new_timer(duration: float[, callback]) → Timer

Creates a new timer with specified duration and callback.


You have to update the timer, otherwise it won’t finish and the callback won’t be called.


drystal.tojson(table) → string

Serializes a Lua table into JSON formatted string.

drystal.fromjson(json: string) → table

Converts a JSON formatted string back into a Lua table.

drystal.file_exists(filename: str) → boolean

Returns true if the file exists.